Environment Landscape Design of Shanghai Bank Card Industrial Park
发表于 2012 01 《景观设计》-《景观设计师》
撰文/图片提供:林选泉 刘月琴
Written by: Lin Xuanquan, Liu Yueqin
Pictures Furnished by: Lin Xuanquan
Xuanquan Urban Design Branch of Shanghai Pudong Architectural Design&Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Shanghai Xuanquan Architecture & Landscape Planning and Design Co., Ltd.

Background Analysis
Shanghai Bank Card Industrial Park, a national high-tech park besides Zhangjiang High-Tech Park, is another key developed high-tech industrial base. The Zhangjiang High-Tech park’s main domains are integrated circuits, software and biological medicine. Shanghai Bank Card Industrial Park is a park of a complete bank card industrial chain adopting bank card services and financial information services as its core services and integrating with an office area and a living area.
Design Idea
Based on the characteristic of high-tech financial information service base of the bank card industrial chain, we have tried to create a quiet, minimalist, delicate,
modern and human-oriented office environment in which people can live and work comfortably.
项目先期实施的为一期综合配套服务基地, “L”形的主办公楼将场地划分为东西两部分:东侧的主入口景观空间和西侧的地下车库屋顶景观空间。为了使空间统一完整,采用连续且形态多变的水体以及形式统一、黑白相间的铺装进行空间的联系,并通过植物、微地形、小拱桥等景观元素以及曲线形和圆形的构图方式巧妙地将灵动的小空间穿插在其中,营造出秩序与灵动的环境。

Design Measures
·The Integrity of Style
The project carried out formerly is a first-stage comprehensive matched service base which faces roads externally. An L-shaped main office building divides the space into an eastern part and a western part; the main entrance landscape space in the east and the roof garden landscape space of the underground garage in the west. For ensuring the integrity of the space, space is related by continuous water with variable forms and black and white pavements, while small spaces are alternated in the space by the landscape elements, such as plants, micro-landforms and small arch bridges, curves and a circular composition method to create order and activity within the environment.

·The Combination and Unification of Space
Because of excessive limitations at the site and narrow shattered space, our focus is how to orderly divide the space, distinguish big one from small one, and create a good ecological environment in the limited space through landscape-making measures. For realizing the "separation, drainage and penetration" of the space, we adopt the virtual-actual combination of many landscape elements, such as "virtual" separation space between plants and water and "real" separation space between feature walls and galleries, to see big one from small one and enjoy the concise
variable sense of space.


·The Technology and Construction of the Garden
Trees with grass and shrubs are planted on the roof garden located on the garage in the east by solving the technical problems of the underground garage, such as bearing and draining, and vertically greened to improve the rate of greening and change the roof garden from an existing rigid form.

·Circulation and Utilization of Water
The water system in the park is a circulation water system, which can save the
water. We perfect the ecological environment of the courtyard by planting aquatic plants, which can integrate the function of collecting rainwater.


Zone Design
·The Main Entrance Area
“You look at the scenery on the bridge, while people look at the scenery with you in the upstairs”—The landscape is a dialectical process for viewing and admiring each other. People and matters in the site are part of the landscape or are viewed. In the Bank Card Industrial High-Tech Park filled with creativity and vigour, you can see the landscape both by walking within the site and overseeing it at high places. In the limited space environment, with the garden-making measures, such as the rows of phyllostachys viridis at the entrance, the arched feature walls, the winding streams, the straight water tanks, the scattered falling water, the delicate bridges, the greenbelts and the leisure platforms combined in square and circle, the park not only has open dynamic space, but also has cohesive static space. The complete environment blends in the surrounding modern architectures.
·The Fountain at the Main Entrance
The entrance landscape area represents the image and presents the individuality of the park. Because of the existence of water, the whole site comes alive. At the same time, because of the flexibility of water, the rigidity of the glass buildings is harmonized. The waste room watts are designed and applied to be embedded beside the small fountain at the entrance. The dynamism of water and the circular wheel-shaped gray tiles contain the vigour and sustainability of the Bank Card Industrial Park.

·The Courtyard Landscape of the U-shaped Office in the West
The small courtyard is peaceful in the afternoon. But it seems too quiet, and is
added with a trace of quite by sound of the flowing water of the small fall spring. All sight of the staff is attracted to the deep courtyard while looking for the headstream of the spring water. Thoughts flutter amid the white marble, black rock, red maple and Japanese rock garden. You can see the dramatic scenery by staring or overseeing.

白卵石上的竹子与红枫浸透着几分宁静与典雅;涉水而建的石汀步以及向水中延伸的种植池、休憩平台及其上面的红色方凳丰富了小空间的多样性,人们坐在办公室的窗边,独享这午后的宁静。微风穿过竹林,拂起卵石边的水波,因为水,空间变得“隔”而不分; 窗外行走,交谈的声音变得若即若离,水里的鱼儿在自由游弋,这里此刻多了几分自然情趣。
·Small Water Pool Around the Office Building in the East
White pebbles are paved on the soil in which the bamboo and red maples are
planted, which suggests elegance and tranquillity. Ting-steps built in water, planting pools and rest platforms extending towards to water and small red square stools on the recreation platforms provide a small flexible space, so you can sit close by a window of office to enjoy the peaceful moment lonely of the afternoon. The breeze passes through the bamboo forest to blow small wavelets beside the pebbles. Because of the water, the space is parted but not separated; voices keep a distance while people converse and walk outside the window, and fish move freely in water, so the site has natural delight at that moment.

·Roof Garden of the Garage in the East
Water becomes a continuous element in the site. The straight water tank goes
down to a small rest space which is formed by enclosing an arch-closed wisteria steel gallery and adopts the fountain as centre. The space extends by linear eastwest roads in the east-west and south, and the space is orderly divided, so we can distinguish big one from small one and see the exquisite rich landscape.

Dynamic Plant Landscape
Plants give life and vigour to the office environment. With the difference of the four seasons, the passing of time, the blooming and withering of flowers, the leafing and the falling of the leaves, from the young tree to the towering old tree, the landscape changes while plants grow. Oriental cherry flowering in spring, the red maple trees extending their leaves, Zelkova serrata and ginkgo changing colour in autumn create visual changes and a taste experience. Osmanthus fragrans exudes beautiful fragrances in August. When the hidden fragrance floats, people feel sparks of joy and become excited. The vines climb on the frame slowly and become vital.

Green design
We advocate "economical gardening construction". The design obeys the "3R"
principle which is "recycling, reusing and reducing". We adopt less investment to
build a modern delicate Bank Card Park environment with higher standard. At the
same time, we actively adopt waste black bricks, room watts and iron bars as road
paving bricks and material of flower shelf to reduce costs.

项目位置: 上海市浦东新区
景观设计: 上海浦东建筑设计院选泉都市设计分院
客 户: 上海市银行卡产业园开发有限公司
占地面积: 12 000 m2
项目成本: 171 万元
建成时间: 2007 年
Location: Pudong New Distrcit, Shanghai
Landscape Design: Xuanquan Urban Design Branch of Shanghai Pudong Architectural Design&Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Shanghai Xuanquan Architecture & Landscape Planning and Design Co., Ltd.
Project Designer: Xuanquan Lin, Yueqin Liu
Client: Shanghai Bank Card Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd.
Site Size: 12 000m2
Cost: 1,710,000 RMB
Completion Date: 2007